How to Replace the Filters on your DustHog

This here is DustHog SCB series Dust Collector. This one was made to be hung from the ceiling. This here is the differential pressure gauge which points downwards because it would usually be hanging from the ceiling. So on this gauge, it will show you when it is time to change the filters – around 4-4.5 you should probably order filters and once it reaches 5 you should swap them out. If it gets any higher than that you will have a lot less air flow and it will damage your filters and you might get them ripped open.
In order to change out these filters it’s pretty simple in most Dust Collector models. Cartridge collectors are very similar whether it is a DustHog or some other brand. You just open this handle and remove the cover. If you pull the cartridge out a little bit you can see if there is a bunch of dust on the top with less on the sides it can be because your reverse pulse isn’t working. You will need to look into that if that is the case. How you take these out to limit the dust – take a garbage bag and put it over the end. If you’re really concerned about it you can tape the bag to the unit. Reach into the middle and pull the cartridge out and into the garbage bag. There are usually 2 deep in most cartridge collectors, the next one comes out the same way. Pull it forward and into another garbage bag.
When you are putting them back in the main thing you have to pay attention to is the gasket. Each filter usually only has gasket on one side and that side goes in first. This is to make sure it seals between filters and at the back of the unit. Once those are slid in the gasket on the door will seal the front of the cartridge and the front of the unit. Slide the door back on and tighten the handle and you are good to go.