Everyone should understand how to keep their workspace safe and clean. We're here to help! Check out our blog to learn more.

What Factors Affect the Electrostatic Air Cleaner Service Rate?
Our pricing for electrostatic service varies widely and is dependent on many factors. Commercial Location: We charge a higher rate to commercial customers like restaurants and cigar bars because the...

What is the AQI Scale, and What is Considered Healthy Indoor Air Quality?
What is AQI? The AQI (air quality index) scale was developed by the EPA to deliver a simple quantitative measure of common air pollutants. An AQI index typically includes the...

How Frequently do I Need to Clean my Electrostatic Filters? One question we get asked all the time is "How frequently do electrostatic filters need to be cleaned and maintained?" The answer to that question is, it depends! We...

Why is my SmogHog/Mistbuster Indicator Light Flashing?
One of the easiest ways to tell if your electrostatic air cleaner is working properly is by checking the indicator light. Just because it is on does not mean it...

Air Filtration and Environmental Concerns
The hundreds of options for air filtration make choosing the right system for you can be quite difficult. There are many different factors to consider. One of the most talked...

How to Replace the Filters on your DustHog This here is DustHog SCB series Dust Collector. This one was made to be hung from the ceiling. This here is the differential pressure gauge which points downwards because...

5 Reasons to Check Your Absolent System Quarterly: Maintaining Air Filtration Excellence
Introduction:Industrial air filtration plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and safe work environment. Bee Clean Specialties, a trusted provider of Absolent air filtration solutions, offers high-quality systems designed...